Guidelines for Authors

Submission of Manuscripts

Original manuscripts must be unique and should not be considered for publication in other venues before being published in this journal, either fully or partially.


Online Submission

The corresponding author must either create a new account or log into an existing one on our website. They will then need to complete a straightforward 5-step submission process. The manuscript should be anonymized, ensuring that no author details—such as names, titles, departments, institutions, or cities—are visible. Author information should be uploaded separately within the metadata section. Additionally, supplementary files, like data files, can be included.


Components of an Article


The abstract must be organized with the following subheadings: Background, Objectives, Methodology, Results, and Conclusion. Its word count should not exceed 250 words. 


Authors should provide 3-10 keywords to aid indexers in cross-referencing the article. These keywords should be derived from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) list of Index Medicus of the National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland, USA ( If appropriate MeSH terms are not available for newly introduced concepts, applicable terms may be utilized. 


Clearly state the article's purpose and summarize the reasons for the study or observation. Include only strictly relevant references and refrain from presenting data or conclusions from the work being reported.



Clearly describe your choice of observational or experimental subjects (patients or laboratory animals, including controls). Specify the age, sex, and other significant characteristics of the subjects. Since the importance of variables such as age, sex, and ethnicity may not always be apparent, authors should explicitly clarify their inclusion in a study report. The main principle should be transparency about the reasons and methods behind the study's design. For instance, authors should detail why only subjects of certain ages were selected or why women were not included. Authors should refrain from using terms like "race," which lacks a precise biological definition, and instead use terms like "ethnicity" or "ethnic group." They should carefully define what these descriptors mean and explain how the data were gathered (for example, what terminology was utilized in survey forms, whether the data was self-reported or assigned by others, etc.).

Detail the methods, equipment (including the manufacturer’s name and address in parentheses), and procedures extensively enough for others to replicate the findings. Refer to recognized methods, including statistical techniques (see below); provide references and brief descriptions for methods that are published but not widely known; outline new or significantly altered methods, justify their use, and evaluate their limitations. Identify all drugs and chemicals involved, specifying generic names, dosages, and routes of administration.


Reports of randomized clinical trials should include details on all key elements of the study, encompassing the protocol (study population, interventions or exposures, outcomes, and the rationale for statistical analysis), the allocation of interventions (methods of randomization, concealment of treatment group allocations), and the masking (blinding) methods used.

Authors submitting review articles should incorporate a section detailing the methods employed for locating, selecting, extracting, and synthesizing data. These methods should also be briefly presented in the abstract.


Outline statistical techniques with sufficient detail to allow a knowledgeable reader who has access to the original data to verify the reported outcomes. Whenever possible, provide quantitative results and present them with suitable measures of measurement error or uncertainty (like confidence intervals). Steer clear of depending solely on statistical hypothesis testing, including the use of P values, which does not effectively communicate significant quantitative information. Address the eligibility criteria for experimental subjects. Provide information on the randomization process. Explain the methods used for blinding observations and the success of those methods. Report any treatment complications. Indicate the number of observations. Disclose any losses to observation (such as dropouts in a clinical trial). Cite standard works for study design and statistical methods, including specific pages, instead of referring to the original papers that reported the designs or methods. Specify any widely used software used for analysis. Include a general overview of methods in the Methods section. When summarizing data in the Results section, detail the statistical techniques employed for their analysis. Limit tables and figures to those essential for clarifying the paper's argument and evaluating its evidence. Prefer graphs over tables that contain numerous entries; do not present the same data in both graphs and tables. Avoid non-technical uses of statistical terminology, such as "random" (which suggests the use of a randomizing tool), "normal," "significant," "correlations," and "sample." Clearly define statistical terms, abbreviations, and most symbols.

Present your findings in a coherent order in the text, tables, and illustrations. Do not reiterate all the data found in the tables or illustrations in the text; instead, focus on emphasizing or summarizing only the key observations.


Highlight the novel and significant features of the research and the subsequent conclusions drawn from them. Avoid providing detailed data or material already established in the Introduction or Results sections. Discuss the implications of the findings and their limitations in the Discussion section, including suggestions for future research. Connect the observations with other pertinent studies. Relate the conclusions to the aims of the study while steering clear of unqualified assertions and unsupported conclusions. Particularly, authors should refrain from making comments about economic advantages and costs unless their manuscript contains relevant economic data and analyses. Avoid claiming precedence and referencing incomplete work. Present new hypotheses where appropriate, clearly identifying them as such. When suitable, recommendations can be included.



List all contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship, such as a person who provided purely technical help, or writing assistance, or a department chair who provided only general support. Financial and material support should also be acknowledged.

Groups of people who have contributed materially to the paper but whose contributions do not justify authorship may be listed under a heading such as "clinical investigators" or "participating investigators," and their function or contribution should be described Ñ for example, "served as scientific advisors," "critically reviewed the study proposal," "collected data," or "provided and cared for study patients."

Because readers may infer their endorsement of the data and conclusions, all persons must have given written permission to be acknowledged.


Please follow these guidelines for references:

  1. Use Vancouver citation style.
    ii. References should be numbered sequentially and indicated in superscript digits within the text, as typically seen in medical journals.
    iii. List authors by providing the full last name, followed by the initials of the first and second names without spaces. Include up to six authors. If there are more than six, use "et al." after the sixth author.
    iv. Abbreviate journal titles according to Index Medicus/Medline/PubMed/NLM Catalogue standards. If the journal is not listed in Index Medicus, use the abbreviation provided by the journal itself.
    v. Include the DOI where available; if not, provide an online link.


Type or print out each table with double spacing on a separate sheet of paper. Do not submit tables as photographs. Number tables consecutively in the order of their first citation in the text and supply a brief title for each. Give each column a short or abbreviated heading. Place explanatory matter in the footnotes, not in the heading. Explain in footnotes all nonstandard abbreviations that are used in each table. For footnotes use the following symbols, in this sequence:

Identify statistical measures of variations, such as standard deviation and standard error of the mean.

Do not use internal horizontal and vertical rules.

Be sure that each table is cited in the text.

If you use data from another published or unpublished source, obtain permission and acknowledge them fully.

The use of too many tables with the length of the text may produce difficulties in the layout of pages. Examine issues of the journal to which you plan to submit your paper to estimate how many tables can be used per 1000 words of text.

The editor, on accepting a paper, may recommend that additional tables containing important backup data to publish be deposited with an archival service, such as the National Auxiliary Publication Service in the United States, or made available by the authors. In that event, an appropriate statement will be added to the text. Submit such tables for consideration with the paper.



Illustrations (Figures)

Submit the required number of complete sets of figures. Figures should be professionally drawn and photographed; freehand or typewritten lettering is unacceptable. Instead of original drawings, x-ray films, and other material, send sharp, glossy, black-and-white photographic prints, usually 127 — 173 mm (5 — 7 inches) but no larger than 203 — 254 mm (8 — 10 inches). Letters, numbers, and symbols should be clear and even throughout and of sufficient size that when reduced for publication each item will still be legible. Titles and detailed explanations belong in the legends for illustrations, not on the illustrations themselves.

Each figure should have a label pasted on its back indicating the number of the figure, the author's name, and the top of the figure. Do not write on the back of figures or scratch or mar them by using paper clips. Do not bend figures or mount them on cardboard.

Photomicrographs should have internal scale markers. Symbols, arrows, or letters used in photomicrographs should contrast with the background.

If photographs of people are used, either the subjects must not be identifiable, or their pictures must be accompanied by written permission to use the photograph (see Protection of Patients' Rights to Privacy).

Figures should be numbered consecutively according to the order in which they have been first cited in the text. If a figure has been published, acknowledge the source and submit written permission from the copyright holder to reproduce the material. Permission is required irrespective of authorship or publisher except for documents in the public domain.

For illustrations in color, ascertain whether the journal requires color negatives, positive transparencies, or color prints. Accompanying drawings marked to indicate the region to be reproduced may be useful to the editor. Some journals publish illustrations in color only if the author pays for the extra cost.

Legends for Illustrations

Type or print out legends for illustrations using double spacing, starting on a separate page, with Arabic numerals corresponding to the illustrations. When symbols, arrows, numbers, or letters are used to identify parts of the illustrations, identify and explain each one clearly in the legend. Explain the internal scale and identify the method of staining in photomicrographs.

Units of Measurement

Measurements of length, height, weight, and volume should be reported in metric units (meter, kilogram, or liter) or their decimal multiples.

Temperatures should be given in degrees Celsius. Blood pressure should be given in millimeters of mercury.

All hematologic and clinical chemistry measurements should be reported in the metric system in terms of the International System of Units (SI). Editors may request that alternative or non-SI units be added by the authors before publication.

Abbreviations and Symbols

Use only standard abbreviations. Avoid abbreviations in the title and abstract. The full term for which an abbreviation stands should precede its first use in the text unless it is a standard unit of measurement.

Important Points

  1. At the time of submission, the following documents are mandatory to be submitted along with the manuscript.
    a.A duly filled and signed Authorship form
    b. The institutional ethical review board/committee approval letter is mandatory.

2. All articles are promptly acknowledged upon receipt for publishing; however, this acknowledgment does not signify acceptance for publication.